Freedom Friday

Are you tired of all the body shaming that goes on?  I see pics on the internet about people shaming others about their body.  Let’s face it, it’s mostly women that get this treatment.  I don’t mean that it doesn’t happen to men, I’m just saying that mostly women are the ones getting shamed.  I’m sick of it.  Some of the phrases I hate the most are :

well you have such a pretty face.

have you always been heavy?

Do you just not know how to stop eating?

Maybe that ice cream isn’t the best thing to eat.

What happened to you to make you use food for comfort?

Anything like that just gets me.  It’s as if I don’t know how I became overweight.  As if I don’t want to change or make improvements in my life.  Now I will say I haven’t heard those things in awhile, I’ve decided to change friends.  I only surround myself with people that are positive.  I don’t have time for negative.  I surround myself with people who know my heart and can see what I have to offer as a person and not just someone who is overweight.  

So let me now answer all of the above statements.

Thank you, I think I’m pretty cute too!

no I haven’t always been heavy, but it happens.

Yes I know when to stop eating, but sometimes I over eat and don’t pay attention to what I’m doing.

Maybe ice cream isn’t the best choice, but it tastes good and better just a bit of ice cream than the whole container. 

What made me turn to food for comfort?  I don’t know that anything happened.  Besides, only those closest to me are privy to that personal information.  Besides sometimes life happens and people just gain weight.  

I’ve declared to day as Freedom Friday because it’s time we all stop caring what others think of our weight.  I weighed in this morning for an August challenge, and the results are in…..

                                                                  287 pounds

There it’s out there…and ya know what, I didn’t die posting that number!  

So here’s the challenge.  Share your number, share your clothing size, what ever you want to share.  You are not less of a person because of a number.  You are fabulous at whatever size you are!  It’s not about your weight it’s about YOU.You have to own it before you can change it!!  And once you’ve experienced Freedom Friday, you can move on to creating a plan to make that number smaller.  So tell me what’s your goal? Eating better?  drinking more water and less soda? Exercising?  Tell me and let’s do this together.  Yes you can do it on your own…but it’s more fun with friends!!!!!  

My goals are still the same, lose weight, get healthy, exercise regularly, and eat better foods!  Join me on Freedom Friday…..what follows is going to be amazing!

3 thoughts on “Freedom Friday

  1. I haven’t weighed myself in a few days (Wednesday) but then the number was 253. I didn’t die posting it either! WHEW! I posted a late night post last night that had my starting weight included. I was fearful and I was afraid but I was also determined to handle this journey differently than I ever have before.

    My goals are pretty detailed but they include working out daily for now while I am doing the 21 Day Fix, and then 5 days a week when I start Focus T25.

    You got this dear!


  2. nikki says:

    Weight: 199, GPA: 3.8, married: 15 years, kids: 3, none of those numbers define who I am or tell you what an amazing compassionate loving person I am. my goal is to be strong.


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