Wake up Wednesday

So what are you up to today?  This is the day after my favorite reality show, Extreme Weight Loss.  Now before anyone goes crazy I KNOW reality shows are still just TV shows.  I know results are not typical and I know that a lot of reality TV is just made up!  I still love Extreme Weight Loss!  I love Chris and Heidi Powell, and I love how they want to help people regain their lives.  Last week on EWL, Georgeanna lost so much weight and was able to get back to gymnastics.  Last night Cassie was another success story.  She lost over 170 lbs!!!  I just love watching these shows and seeing how the lives of the participants are totally changed, or I should say transformed!

So why do I call this Wake up Wednesday?  Well here is why.  I sit on the couch and watch EWL and dream of the day that I’m a weight loss success story.  I want to be back in the 100’s and I really want to be fit and healthy.  I usually wake up on Wednesday motivated for change.  I want to exercise 2 or 3 hours a day and I want my nutrition to be perfect and I want big changes!  Then reality happens.  I have to clean, or do laundry, take the kids somewhere or something else.  It never fails.  I don’t make it to the Y for 2-3 hours of working out.  My nutrition isn’t perfect and I give in to temptation too often.  So by Wednesday night my motivation has slacked off and I settle for what I’ve accomplished as good enough and I go on.  Don’t get me wrong ANY change for the better is an improvement and eating less junk and better foods have helped me a lot.  I just can’t ever seem to find the drive to push it harder, or I set a date, in the future and say “I’ll do it then.”  Newsflash….I never do!  

Wake up Wednesday is time for all of us (especially me) to re-evaluate and figure out how to push through and just do it! (sorry Nike I said it!)  So how to we do this?  To be honest, I don’t know.  I’ve never made it past Wednesday.  I think the key is stop talking and start doing.  Want to get rid of junk food?  Stop talking and remove it from the house.  Want to exercise more? Finish reading this then go exercise.  What I’m really saying is stop making excuses!  Believe me when I say I’m preaching to the choir! Wake up Wednesday doesn’t have to lead back to regular, no change Thursday.  Let’s break that cycle today and start doing something about it!  

So today I’m going to stop talking about it and get out there and do something.  No more sitting on the couch waiting and hoping for things to change.  No more wondering how I can eat better and cut out bad foods.  For this day on I will just do.  I will do PiYo daily, I will drink my Shakeology daily, and I will continue to pursue perfection.  I will never be perfect but it doesn’t hurt to keep working towards it.  The closer I get the less I will weigh!  

Will you join me today?  Will you take the time to stop talking and start doing?  Start small.  Baby steps are okay, you’re still stepping!  Make a small attainable goal, make others aware so they can keep you accountable and then Just Do It!  

I’ll let ya know how I do, you all keep me posted on your progress too!