Friday Excuses

Ok I’ve fallen off the wagon, no really I’ve fallen over and the wagon has run me over! I’ve lost motivation and I’ve used every excuse in the book to justify my bad eating and lack of exercise. So I decided that in order to rid myself of the excuses I’d just make a Friday Excuses post. I’m going to list my excuses and feel free to comment and list yours. Then they are out there, in the open for all the world to see. After we’ve listed them we can dispose of them and not use them anymore.

Honestly, I need accountability. I don’t need nice, I need firm and motivating. This is my attempt to rid myself of these excuses so I get back on track. So here I go…
1. I’m tired
2. It’s too hot
3. It’s too humid (we’re in the middle of monsoon here in Arizona and the humidity is high for us)
4. My kids have too much going on
5. I’m too sore
6. It doesn’t do any good to exercise.
7. This one candy won’t hurt me
8. I can’t do the exercise
9. Eating healthy is too hard
10. I’ve been waiting for this movie to come to TV

This is my preliminary list….I may have to add more later! My plan is to go to the store, stock up on healthy good food and get off the road and back in the wagon!

I’m thinking I need to start another 21 day fix and kick this up!

4 thoughts on “Friday Excuses

  1. Here’s my list:
    It’s too early
    It’s too late
    I’m too tired
    I don’t have time
    I have 894758 other things that I should do first
    I can’t even finish it without modifying
    I just worked out yesterday
    I can have another glass of wine this ONE time.
    ONE cheat meal won’t be that big of a deal.

    I have done what I can to overcome my excuses over the past month. Largely by seeking out ways to remain accountable. I have a few friends and family members who are also on fitness journeys and we check on one another regularly, I started a fitness page on FB, I started this blog, and I joined the Give it 100 movement. I started with the 21 Day Fix, I lost 12 lbs and 9 inches in one round. Now I am doing Focus T25.

    Just yesterday I “slept in”, didn’t get out of bed at my normal 5am. I stayed in bed until 6:30 because I was up late the night before. So I posted on my fitness page and in a group that I am in that I would need someone to text, call, something to make sure I don’t try to talk myself out of my workout yesterday. I feel that having people that will push you to when you need it, to encourage you when you need it, and to help applaud your efforts works best for me.

    I’ll partner with you, if you’d like.


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